Nothing about our Massage is average.
When we’re done, not only will your body “sing” but your mind will be more relaxed that you’ve been in years.
at Zoc Doc

Knovy Nicolas, LMT, CRTP, MLDP
The biggest threat to health is stress; staying positive, keeping fit and balanced at all times diminishes stress. . .
Knovy Nicolas, LMT, CRTP, MLDP is a graduate of The Swedish Institute and has been practicing massage therapy for over twenty years. He is formerly the lead massage therapist of an upscale spa in Manhattan, where he is one of the most requested therapists. His success is a result of his passion for natural healing. Knovy's clients write reviews stating that his technique is like no other. To quote a client "He's a game changer."
Simply Therapeutic is designed to help improve a persons' quality of life. Its' goal is to enhance the body's natural ability to heal itself. Restoring the state of balance, enhancing vital energy, as well as preserving and protecting the body's valuable existence; Strength, Vitality & Longevity.